JADE's Exhibits Featured at 2024 Asian Fair

Funded by the Minnesota Humanities Center, the JADE exhibits and engagement programs at the Asian Fair on June 1, 2024 were a huge success, drawing hundreds, if not thousands, of visitors. The exhibits and showcase became a major attraction, capturing the interest of a diverse audience eager to explore the rich cultural displays and participate in interactive activities. The enthusiasm and active participation of attendees highlighted a strong interest in the themes of Harmony with Nature, Cultural Storytelling, and Community-submitted Recycling & Upcycling Poster Showcase, making the event both educational and enjoyable for all.

Harmony with Nature Exhibits

The Harmony with Nature exhibits offer a deep dive into the age-old traditions of various Asian cultures that emphasize living in balance with the natural world. The exhibits featured 14 sustainable practices from various Asian cultures, ranging from Rice Terracing in the Philippines to Silk Farming in China, demonstrating ancient agricultural techniques that maximize arable land and resource conservation. The exhibits can be found here .

These exhibits were connected to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 15: Life on Land. Each exhibit provided detailed explanations of these practices and their relevance to environmental sustainability and biodiversity conservation. The exhibits were accompanied by interactive activities, allowing visitors from all ages to engage deeply with the content and gain a greater understanding of the cultural significance and ecological benefits of these practices. By showcasing these sustainable traditions, the exhibits not only encouraged attendees to become curious about different cultures and their sustainable practices but also inspired them to consider how they could incorporate similar principles into their own lives and communities, fostering a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of humanity and nature.

Cultural Storytelling Exhibits

The Cultural Storytelling Exhibits focused on the promotion of peace and justice, aligning with SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. This section of the exhibits featured a rich array of storytelling elements, including:

  • Asian Folktales: These stories emphasized the importance of unity and cooperation, offering timeless lessons that resonated with attendees of all ages. The folktales were presented through engaging displays and interactive storytelling sessions, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the narratives.
  • Historical Narratives: Stories of peace-making and reconciliation, such as India's non-violent independence movement led by Mahatma Gandhi and the achievements of King Sejong the Great of Korea, were prominently featured. These narratives highlighted moments in history where peace and justice prevailed, offering inspiration and hope. Visitors were particularly moved by these stories, finding them both educational and motivational.

The storytelling section featured 16 stories from various Asian cultures including: India, China, Pakistan, South and North Korea, Thailand, Hmong, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Each story was carefully selected to highlight the unique cultural heritage and moral values of its country of origin. Attendees were captivated by the rich narratives that showcased themes of justice, peace, wisdom, bravery, collaboration and kindness.The storytelling not only entertained but also educated visitors about the diverse traditions and shared human experiences across these cultures. This engaging approach helped foster a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of Asian cultural heritage. The exhibits can be found here .

In addition to the informative displays, the exhibits included engaging hands-on activities such as the memory games and spinning the wheel questions about the stories. These interactive games captivated young attendees, encouraging them to actively participate and fostering collaboration, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of Asian cultures. Many participants were amazed by the stories and practices, finding the activities both fun and educational. The interactive experiences promoted the principles of peace, justice, and unity, encouraging participants to think about how these values could be applied in their own lives and communities. Furthermore, each game participant got a butterfly-shaped flower seed paper. They were excited to nurture nature’s colorful gifts at home.

Community-Submitted Recycling & Upcycling Poster Showcase

Another highlight of the JADE exhibits was the Community-Submitted Recycling & Upcycling Poster Showcase. This exhibit featured posters from youth all over the world, showcasing their creative ideas and projects on recycling and upcycling. The posters demonstrated a strong global interest in environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Visitors were inspired by the innovative ways young people are contributing to environmental conservation. The posters displayed a variety of projects, from turning plastic waste into useful items to creating art from recycled materials. This showcase underscored the importance of community involvement and highlighted the significant role that youth play in promoting sustainable practices.

The showcase also aligned with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, and SDG 13: Climate Action. By featuring these community-submitted projects, the JADE exhibits emphasized the impact of individual and collective actions in addressing environmental challenges. Many visitors expressed admiration for the creativity and dedication of the young contributors, recognizing the potential for these ideas to inspire broader community initiatives.

Visitor Engagement

Throughout the event, it was evident that visitors were highly engaged and enthusiastic. Many showed a deep interest in learning about the various exhibits, taking the time to read the informative displays, ask questions, and participate in discussions. The interactive games were a particular highlight, drawing large crowds and creating a lively, energetic atmosphere.

Participants of all ages enjoyed the wheel game and the memory game, both specifically designed to showcase the UN SDGs. Many expressed amazement at the stories and practices they learned about through these activities.

The feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, with many appreciating the opportunity to learn about Asian cultural practices and their relevance to modern issues such as sustainability and peace. Visitors noted the engaging presentation of the exhibits and the seamless integration of educational content with interactive activities. The event provided a unique platform for cultural exchange, fostering greater understanding and appreciation of Asian traditions among a diverse audience.

Educational Impact

The JADE exhibits provided valuable educational experiences, particularly in the areas of environmental sustainability and cultural understanding. By linking traditional practices with modern sustainability goals, the exhibits offered visitors a new perspective on how ancient wisdom can inform contemporary efforts to protect the environment. The storytelling elements highlighted the universal values of peace and justice, showing how these principles have been upheld across different cultures and historical periods.

Attendees, especially younger visitors, left the exhibits with a deeper appreciation of the importance of living in harmony with nature and promoting peace and justice in their communities. The interactive games and activities ensured that the educational messages were conveyed in an engaging and memorable way, making a lasting impact on all who participated.

Collaboration with Sustainability Experts

Invited by JADE, the United Nations Association Minnesota Chapter, Environmental Quality Committee(EQC)-Plymouth, Hennepin Environment and Energy, and Hennepin County Library, also participated in the Asian Fair to educate the public and share their expertise on sustainability. Their presence added depth to the event, providing attendees with additional resources and insights into global sustainability efforts. Through collaborative efforts, JADE served as a liaison and provided a platform for knowledge exchange and community engagement, further enhancing its impact on environmental awareness and action.

The JADE exhibits at the Asian Fair not only attracted a large number of visitors but also successfully engaged them through its rich cultural displays and interactive activities. The event provided valuable educational experiences, highlighting the importance of harmony with nature, cultural storytelling, and sustainable practices such as recycling and upcycling. By inspiring attendees to incorporate these principles into their daily lives, the event left a lasting impact, promoting sustainability, peace, and mutual understanding. The success of the JADE exhibits is a testament to the power of cultural education in building a more informed and compassionate community.

JADE encourages individuals and organizations to freely use the slides available on this website for educational and outreach purposes. We believe that sharing this valuable information can help spread awareness about cultural heritage and sustainability. Additionally, JADE is eager to present the exhibits at other events and venues. Whether it’s a community gathering, educational institution, or corporate event, we are more than willing to collaborate and showcase these exhibits to a wider audience. By doing so, we hope to continue promoting the values of harmony with nature, cultural understanding, and sustainable practices, making a positive impact on our communities.